A Second Goes a Long Way

Second goes a long way

We live in an era where dial up is a thing of the past and internet users expect the websites they’re trying to access to load at lightning speeds. For retailers, having a fast website can mean the difference between success and failure. For example, a one-second delay in load time could cost Amazon an estimated $1.6 billion annually.

Studies show that the average user will abandon the site they are accessing after 3 seconds and with the average page load time for the top 2000 retail companies being at 10 seconds, many customers may be missing out on potential buyers.

Web pages get more complex every year but are expected to run faster. If a site is running low, the company is losing money fast. Research has studied that a 1 second increase in load time could cause:

  • 11% fewer page views
  • 16% decrease in customer satisfaction.
  • 7% loss in conversions.

Of the top 50 online retailers there average web page response time is 4.83 seconds which is 1.83 seconds over the average wait time of users. Just think about all the money that these companies are missing out on.

By the end of 2012, 167 million US consumers shopped online. Thats over half the american populations. By 2016 that number is expected to rise to 192 million. This inevitably means a steady rise in traffic to online retailers.

Will they be able to handle the pressure and keep their load times to a minimum? Perhaps a CDN may come in handy.

Visit CDNify for rocket fast load times.

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